Bter Crypto Exchange | is a very popular altcoin exchange, where you can even earn interest on your dogecoin, bitcoin, and litecoin balances, along with several other benefits if you trade actively. You will find support for bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, and much more, in multiple currencies including USD and CNY.
Cryptsy: Cryptocurrency Exchange |
coinbase | is only for bitcoin purchases and sales, but they are included here, as a recommended site to use if you decide to exchange your Dogecoin for Bitcoins and want USD for selling your bitcoins. They are quite reliable and fair.
Coins-E Currency Exchange | is a large, high volume exchange, fees are lower than Coins-E but still higher than Cryptsy. They also offer the ability to directly sell your Dogecoin to fiat currency (USD) but the higher fees may make it worthwhile to use an alternative exchange to sell your doge for BTC then convert to USD.